

Web App, hybrid App or native App

What is a web app? What is a hybrid app? What is a native app? With the already huge market for apps continuing to grow, these have become very popular questions. However, there may be an even more important question that you should be asking yourself.

App developers: hiring a Mobile App development Company? Here’s what you need!

What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Mobile App Development Company What to know to choose the right company You may have found that you’re spoiled with choices when searching for a mobile app development company. However, having many choices isn’t always a good thing. App developers come in many different shapes and sizes. It’s important to evaluate how mobile application development companies fit with your brand, your vision, and your app idea. I’m about to give you a deeper understanding of what you need to know BEFORE you hire a mobile app development company. By the time you finish you’ll be much better prepared to approach a development company with the right questions and be able to evaluate whether they’re the one for you.

Android vs iOS development: which is best for your App?

Which is BEST for Your App? It’s time to get started with your app development. Or is it? Do you know which app market you’ll be developing for first? Android vs iOS development is a major decision to be made well before the development process begins. In fact, your app design and the functionality you incorporate will be largely dependent on the platform you choose. In this post I’ll be running you through the pros and cons of each platform. As a world class app development team, we know our way around both and want to help you make the right decision for your unique idea. When determining Android vs iOS development, this is the post to read. So, let’s dive in!

Apps with a turnkey contract?

Have they offered to develop your mobile application with a turnkey contract? Or maybe you asked for this, due to budget restrictions? Both of these are possible and real scenarios. In our experience, what happens most often is that a client reaches out to us asking to develop an app while staying within the budget that the company has set up for that year. Sure, there are people that do this, just like there are people that look for a good compromise, but we try to avoid working with turnkey contracts, and here’s why.

How to recognize a high-quality App

Elements to consider You are considering getting a mobile application for your company. Nothing strange there: a lot of your competitors probably already have one, just as hundreds of thousands of other companies in the world. When you are trying to find out who to reach out to for the development of your app, usually you go around asking colleagues and acquaintances for help or suggestions, you go to Google and you ask for estimates. Nothing strange here either. But there is a question that always lurks in the background: “How can tell the difference between a high quality app and a low quality one? Can I trust that a higher price will guarantee me a better product?” Certainly price on its own is not a great indicator of a mobile app’s quality because there are a lot of aspects to take into consideration, in addition to the cost.

Emerging Technologies of 2023 that will make your Digital Product Development more efficient and competitive: the essential guide

In the ever-changing landscape of Applications, both in the Mobile and Cloud worlds, with the spread of artificial intelligence as well, it is crucial to take advantage of the latest technological innovations to ensure a competitive and cutting-edge Product. Through an in-depth overview, we will discover the emerging technologies that are shaping the future of App development